Can I add a start and end time to a task?
morgan.walker says:
I want to know if I can add a start and end time to a completed task?
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi morgan.walker,
Yes, you can add/edit the start/due times on a completed task by viewing it and then editing it to add/edit those.
Let us know if we can ever help with anything else!
Yes, you can add/edit the start/due times on a completed task by viewing it and then editing it to add/edit those.
Let us know if we can ever help with anything else!
morgan.walker says:
Thanks Andrew, I'm really wanting to know if I can use my completed tasks as a bit of a record of how I've used my time i.e. 9-10am meeting, 10-11:30am Administration 11:30-12pm research etc. Can Remember the milk be formatted to solve this problem for me?
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi morgan.walker,
This would be possible a few different ways: you could search for tasks completed within a timeframe, e.g. completedBefore:"today 10:00" AND completedAfter:"today 9:00" etc., which you could save as a Smart List for easy reference each day.
If you're looking at a longer list, for example all of today's completed tasks, it's not possible to break that up within one list, if that's something you'd be looking for.
Hope this helps!
This would be possible a few different ways: you could search for tasks completed within a timeframe, e.g. completedBefore:"today 10:00" AND completedAfter:"today 9:00" etc., which you could save as a Smart List for easy reference each day.
If you're looking at a longer list, for example all of today's completed tasks, it's not possible to break that up within one list, if that's something you'd be looking for.
Hope this helps!