desktop version blocked in Russia

skyprovider says:
there is a suspicion that due to actions to block telegramm - some operators blocked RTM. Similar problems have other applications and google servlets. I can not use RTM desktop version now on popular Russian mobile operator. Please - send the unlock request to Roskomnadzor!!! App does not work to.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi skyprovider,
We're sorry this has continued and extended to the web/desktop app too.
This is definitely related to the Telegram blockages. As we mentioned in the thread about the mobile apps, we're looking into alternatives but don't have anything else to suggest now.
We'll be sure to send any updates about any changes or if the blockages are let up.
We're sorry this has continued and extended to the web/desktop app too.
This is definitely related to the Telegram blockages. As we mentioned in the thread about the mobile apps, we're looking into alternatives but don't have anything else to suggest now.
We'll be sure to send any updates about any changes or if the blockages are let up.

skyprovider says:
Fixed!) thanks a lot!!!