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JavaScript error ("Error. The size of the notification content is too large.")

mr_psm says:
I am a PRO user (RTM Desktop version on WINDOWS 10). Every time I open RTM I get the following JavaScript error ("Error. The size of the notification content is too large."), which I can see from the Forums happens to others, too.

I need help from RTM to advise what the fix is, or timeline for the fix to be implemented?

(Error Below)


Error: A JavaScript error occurred in the main process
Uncaught Exception:
Error. The size of the notification content is too large.
The size of the notification content is too large.
at Notifications.handleNotify
(C:\Users\mrpsm\AppData\ Local\ rememberthemilk\app-1 18\ resources\ app.asar brow...:17)
at emitOne (eventstis:96:13)
at Notifications.emit (eventstis:188:7)
at Notifications.notify
(C: \Users\ mrpsm\AppData\ Local\ rememberthemilk\app-1 .1.8Vesources\app.asar\ brow...:10)
at EventEmitter.electron.ipcMain.on
(C: \Users\ mrpsm \AppData\ Local\ rememberthemilk\app-1 .1.8\ resources\ app.asar\ brow...:28)
at emitTwo (eventsjs:106:13)
at EventEmitter.emit (eventstis:191:7)
at WebContents.< anonymous>
(C: \Users\ mrpsm \AppData‘Local\rememberthemilk\app-1 .1.8\ mources\ electron.asart..:37)
at emitTwo (eventsjs:106:13)
at WebContents.emit (eventstis:191:7)
Posted at 6:18am on January 26, 2018
tristo (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for getting in touch and dropping in this information.

We are aware of the issue here - the good news is that the Remember The Milk desktop app isn't affected so you're able to use it normally once you acknowledge the issue. The team are looking to fix the problem!

Let me know if I can help further or in any other way!

Posted 7 years ago
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