
mhoctober says:
Experts...can files be attached to tasks?

martingchapman says:
There is no facility for direct attachments to tasks, but as @potts7 says you can link an Evernote note to a task.
Right click on a note in Evernote, click "Copy Note Link" then paste the note link into either the URL field of a task or into the notes section of a task.
When you click on the note link in the task it will open the note in Evernote (if you have it running on a PC) or open it in a browser (or both).
Hope this helps.
I guess the reason RTM does not offer it is because it would potentially take up a lot of space on the RTM servers.
Right click on a note in Evernote, click "Copy Note Link" then paste the note link into either the URL field of a task or into the notes section of a task.
When you click on the note link in the task it will open the note in Evernote (if you have it running on a PC) or open it in a browser (or both).
Hope this helps.
I guess the reason RTM does not offer it is because it would potentially take up a lot of space on the RTM servers.

mhoctober says:
Txs for the info :-)

(closed account) says:
I'm a new user who is used to having attachments to tasks (i.e. Outlook). Highly recommend offering this feature

I sync my information with Dropbox. While I'm working in my notebook, if needed, I keep Dropbox opened. When I need to attach a file to a task, I select the file in Dropbox, click on Share button, click on Copy link button, and paste that link to any task/note in RTM. That doesn't use any significant space and it's kind of practical. Hope this helps.