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Stop RTM auto-completion of due date

genheals says:

I typically enter a task in RTM with the following format:

format: Priority - Task Name - Estimate of Completion (lead time)
ex: A1 - Buy some milk - 15 min.

Now - I am aware that there are dedicated fields for both priority and estimate for completion. However, given that the priority field does not have sub-priorities, I do not use this feature. I do not use the estimate field for the simple reason that I would have to open each task to see the estimate. This defeats the purpose of having a comprehensive high level view from the default screen, if I have to navigate to each task.

My question is this: each time I assign a time estimate to the end of the task (as in the example above) and press enter, the time estimate I have provided populates the due date field. This is frustrating because I want this to stay on the task line, and not enter as a due date. It is not possible to avoid this without manually re-entering the time estimate on the task line once it has been (incorrectly) entered the first time.

Is it possible to disable the auto-completion/auto-fill of due dates based on your entry in the task name in RTM?

Posted at 7:52pm on January 23, 2017
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi genheals,
You can turn off Date Detection in the Settings, in the General section, which will stop doing this behavior. :)

You can still specify a due date or other properties using Smart Add, as you mention.

Hope this helps!
Posted 8 years ago
genheals says:
Posted 8 years ago
genheals says:
Posted 8 years ago
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