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Don't add due date to subtask [bug]

(closed account) says:
When I add a subtask on the current version of your android app, then the app adds automatically a due date for today. I can't prevent this behaviour!

This is annoying for example when you create a grocery list.
Posted at 2:26pm on January 16, 2017
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi haze14,
You can change this setting in the app's Settings > Tasks > Default Due Date. This setting applies to all tasks and subtasks.

We hope this helps!
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
Thanks! This was very helpful. I changed this option in the web app and expected that this change will also occur at the mobile version.

Is this a wanted behavior?
Posted 8 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi haze14,
Yes, this setting applies to all tasks and subtasks, and the setting will sync between the apps.

This wouldn't apply to tasks in views for specific dates, like Today or a Smart List that searches a specific date. For example, if you have the default due date set to "never" and are in the Today view, a task added would have today's due date. Then, subtasks would still be due never. :)

Let me know if I can help with anything else!
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
Hey andrewski,

could you please double check if "and the setting will sync between the apps" really works? Because this actually did not work in my case. I changed this setting in the web application and in the mobile version the change did not occur.

Changing this setting in the web app AND Android fixed the problem for me. :)
Posted 8 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi haze14,
This setting should sync between the apps, but you may need to reload/restart each of the apps before it will recognize that.

If it's still not syncing for you, you can contact us and we'd be happy to help investigate. Thanks!
Posted 8 years ago
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