How to have smart list look for multiple key words

hunterhun says:
I am new to Remember the Milk. I would like to create smart list categories that are able to search for more than one word. For example, smart list "phone" might look for any task where I use the word "call", or "text" . Or perhaps I could have a category "Arabella" (my daughter) - that wold look for any tasks containing the word "Arabella", or "Pink" (nickname). But I can't get the smart list to accept more than a single word (if I list more than one word, it will only search for tasks containing Both words.) I tried the old boolean "OR" but doesn't work. Thanks for your tip!

It works just like you describe, OR is the keyword.
Then it depends on if "call" or "Arabella" is in the task itself or in the label.
Could you post your search here so we can check it?
The search parameters can be found here:
Then it depends on if "call" or "Arabella" is in the task itself or in the label.
Could you post your search here so we can check it?
The search parameters can be found here: