RTM Quarantined

djfetterman says:
A week or so ago I installed the windows desktop app for RTM. When I opened the app on my desktop for the first time, my antivirus software opened an error message saying that update.exe was quarantined. When I closed the app and tried to reopen it, I got another error message saying that the app wasn't found. I am assuming this second error message was the result of the quarantining. This is a work computer. Our business uses Trend Micro. I asked our IT person to help me to troubleshoot this and configure an exception so that it would stop quarantining the app. We were unsuccessful in discovering how to create the exception. I am currently using the website app but would like to use the desktop app. I would appreciate any help that you can provide in resolving this. Thanks much.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi djfetterman2007,
We appreciate your report earlier and this may require more specifics from Trend Micro, which we're not familiar with specifically.
If you wanted to reply to our email or contact us again, we'd be happy to look into any specific errors you're seeing.
More generally, there were a few specific problems in 1.1.2 that affected the app checking for updates, so it might be worth removing and reinstalling the 1.1.3 update just in case that was affecting you, either as part of Trend Micro's quarantine, or separately.
Keep us posted on what you find!
We appreciate your report earlier and this may require more specifics from Trend Micro, which we're not familiar with specifically.
If you wanted to reply to our email or contact us again, we'd be happy to look into any specific errors you're seeing.
More generally, there were a few specific problems in 1.1.2 that affected the app checking for updates, so it might be worth removing and reinstalling the 1.1.3 update just in case that was affecting you, either as part of Trend Micro's quarantine, or separately.
Keep us posted on what you find!

djfetterman says:
Thank you! I just updated the desktop app to 1.1.3 as you suggested. It seems to be working fine. I've closed and restarted it several times with no quarantining. If it recurs, I'll be back in touch. In the meantime, thank you for the suggestion. I hadn't noticed that there was an update to the app.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
We're glad to hear that's helped! We wonder if this was related to the issue that occurred in 1.1.2.
Let us know if you see anything further or if we can help with anything else!
Let us know if you see anything further or if we can help with anything else!