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Evernote linking without reminders

trliner says:
In Evernote, I've created notes from scanned documents, and I would like to link to them from RTM tasks. Is there a way to do that without setting a reminder on the EN note?
Posted at 3:35am on January 6, 2016
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi trliner,
Aside from using our Evernote integration by adding a reminder to an Evernote note, you can also use the URL field or notes to copy from Evernote into a Remember The Milk task.

You can use Evernote's Share action to copy the link and then paste this into Remember The Milk.

Let us know if we can help with anything else!
Posted 9 years ago
zoula says:
Great, just searched for this, thank you
Posted 9 years ago
lemayp says:
Other than the share option, on Windows you can paste in the rtm url the string generated from doing, in the Evernote note menu, "copy note link ".

This will open the note directly inside of Evernote windows. Work also when called from rtm on Android if Evernote is also present. No share required.

Posted 9 years ago
joegtd says:
I find that this method results in the note being opened in a browser window as well as the note being selected in the Windows desktop app.

Still, it beats the RTM Evernote integration method, which only opens the note in a browser.
Posted 9 years ago
stu.silverstein says:
The copy and paste to a URL was very helpful thank you
Can one past more than one URL to a given task ?

Can one paste a Trello Card for example
Posted 9 years ago
mb01915 says:
You can also use TaskClone to send tasks in a note to RTM
Posted 8 years ago
jack_n says:
I am trying RTM again for the first time in several years. I've played for way too long on this and unfortunately, it's not working out.

I've tried the "classic note link" (that brings you directly to the evernote app instead of the web) using Evernote Reminders, using TaskClone, and by copying the link directly from evernote and can't get the classic link to work.

The format for the "classic note link" on the the Mac is the following:


This link is recognized by Omnifocus, Wunderlust, The Hit List, Things, OneNote, Outlook, and Apple Mail to name a few.

Has anyone else come up with a workaround?

If not, I need to go back to Omnifocus. I haven't tried the iPad and iPhone versions yet but I assume (since they also use the same format) they would not work as well?

Posted 8 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi jack_n,
I've added this to our list to investigate; sorry the evernote:// URLs will not work currently.

The only workaround we can suggest is to copy the URL and open it in a new tab manually.

Let us know if there's anything else we can help with!
Posted 8 years ago
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