iPhone app refresh status
(closed account) says:
Any update on when we will get a new iPhone app? I posted this same question a year ago (no response given) and can't believe that we still have yet to hear any word of when we will get a new version.
tony.grout says:
(closed account) says:
I think I'm sadly going to be ending my long standing (6 or 7 years?) relationship with RTM today because of the lack of updates and transparency. Ok app, but too poorly supported to be usable anymore. Good luck all!
mikewang says:
Yes. I like everything about the app but the fact that there's been no update for two years to update the app to iOS 7 UI is inexcusable. Anyone have any suggestions for alternatives?
(closed account) says:
Not quite ready to give up hope but I do get increasingly frustrated over the delay in the release of an updated version. If this was just about a refreshed mobile app that would be one thing. But the team months ago rolled out an update to the desktop app that includes whole new features entirely unsupported on mobile. So not only is the mobile app clunky and dated (iOS 6?) but I cannot use the full features of the application in a mobile environment.
(closed account) says:
They recently advanced to Beta test.
mufftin says:
@laurabroder: Do you care to share where you're going? I'd like to leave, too.
The response lag at RTM is beyonf belief.
The response lag at RTM is beyonf belief.