Repetition broken?

steven012 says:
I have noticed a strange issue the last month or so.
Tasks that I've had for years which "repeat every" X no longer generate the next task in the series UNTIL I complete the task (similar to "repeat after" tasks).
Say I'm busy and forget to do an 'every' task for 2 weeks, when I get back to my list I either have to get a calendar out and count how many repetitions I've missed for a task; or do the task, check it off, do the task again, check it off again . As oposed to looking at my list, seeing I have X number of overdue identical tasks and multiplying my actions according.
I added some Test Tasks July 13 which repeat every day, every week and every month due July 13. Presently I only have those three tasks as over due and no repetitive tasks have been generated.
Tasks that I've had for years which "repeat every" X no longer generate the next task in the series UNTIL I complete the task (similar to "repeat after" tasks).
Say I'm busy and forget to do an 'every' task for 2 weeks, when I get back to my list I either have to get a calendar out and count how many repetitions I've missed for a task; or do the task, check it off, do the task again, check it off again . As oposed to looking at my list, seeing I have X number of overdue identical tasks and multiplying my actions according.
I added some Test Tasks July 13 which repeat every day, every week and every month due July 13. Presently I only have those three tasks as over due and no repetitive tasks have been generated.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi paralyzedsk8er,
A task will repeat on its due date/time, so a newly created task may not generate the next instance right away. For testing you may want to create a new task due tomorrow and see what happens then.
Regarding the existing tasks, if this continues it'd be great to look at some specifics. If you can contact us we'd love to get some more details and see what we need to do there. Thanks!
A task will repeat on its due date/time, so a newly created task may not generate the next instance right away. For testing you may want to create a new task due tomorrow and see what happens then.
Regarding the existing tasks, if this continues it'd be great to look at some specifics. If you can contact us we'd love to get some more details and see what we need to do there. Thanks!