When can we use subtasks on Android devices?

yapci says:
Hi there!
We have some estimate of time for us to display the subtasks on Android devices?
For now it seems that we can only make use of them in the webapp, but this is not useful if you use the android application to work hard.
Thank you very much for your time !!
Best regards,
Yapci Bello
We have some estimate of time for us to display the subtasks on Android devices?
For now it seems that we can only make use of them in the webapp, but this is not useful if you use the android application to work hard.
Thank you very much for your time !!
Best regards,
Yapci Bello

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi Yapci,
We don't have any announcements now, but make sure your Tester Program profile is updated so you'll be invited to test things before they're available. :)
We don't have any announcements now, but make sure your Tester Program profile is updated so you'll be invited to test things before they're available. :)

yapci says:
Thxs for your time!! :)

peterbechlutzka says:
Voting for subtasks on Android.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Anyone using the Android app should make sure they're part of our Pro Tester Program for early access to anything we're working on. :)
Anyone in our Pro Tester Program that has any questions, please contact us! :)
Anyone in our Pro Tester Program that has any questions, please contact us! :)