Task created by flagging an email don't sync with RTM

spellwin says:
When I flag an email for folloup in Outlook, it creates a task in the "To-Do List" but RTM syncs with the Tasks list in Outlook, and flagged email tasks do not appear there. Is there any way to get flagged email tasks to sync with RTM?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi spellwin,
This isn't currently possible; sorry. You can see Emily's explanation and vote on this idea in our Ideas forum, where we'd also post any updates on this.
In the meantime, the other methods to create a task that Microsoft mentions should work. Hope that helps!
This isn't currently possible; sorry. You can see Emily's explanation and vote on this idea in our Ideas forum, where we'd also post any updates on this.
In the meantime, the other methods to create a task that Microsoft mentions should work. Hope that helps!