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Reminders in Mountain Lion

pdquilty says:
I recently upgraded to Mountain Lion and added my RTM lists as per the instructions for Apple iCal in the FAQ. I followed the instructions for adding each list separately with a private URL. This procedure works on my Snow Leopard laptop and the tasks show up in the Tasks section of iCal, but nothing shows up in either Calendar or Reminders in Mountain Lion. When I grep for "" in ~/Library/Calendars/*, it shows up as configured, but nothing shows up in either application. The other problem I have is that I can't figure out how to edit webcal subscriptions on Mountain Lion. My RTM lists do not show up under any preferences so I am unable to check the configuration. Does anyone have any suggestions for troubleshooting this? Thanks!
Posted at 3:45pm on July 31, 2012
brendan says:
Hi pdquilty,
Would you be able to contact us so we can take a look at this situation with you?

Posted 12 years ago
rodrigo.uroz says:
I'm having the same problem. Have you figured this out?

Posted 12 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi rodrigo.uroz,
There's unfortunately no great solution currently: it seems that OS X's Calendar no longer supports showing tasks/reminders (since they were moved to the new Reminders app) but that the new Reminders app also doesn't display any subscribed calendars with tasks/reminders. Even though they are still saved in the same location, neither app displays them. Presumably there may be an OS X update from Apple to correct this.

In the meantime, you're able to use an "iCalendar (Events)" calendar (using the same instructions as before) or there's the possibility of using different software (e.g. Mozilla Thunderbird) to subscribe to iCalendars.

Hope that helps!
Posted 12 years ago
alexjoverton says:
same here, really would like to sync this with Reminders
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'd like to migrate from Outlook Reminder to RTM, but I have the same problem.
Without support for Mountain Lion's Reminders it does not make much sense for me.

There should be a solution 3 month after Mountain Lion release.
Posted 12 years ago
pgorniak says:
My badge actually shows the number of overdue items in my old RTM subscription correctly, so it still seems to be polling that. The actual entries, however, are nowhere to be found.
Posted 12 years ago
vmuakuku says:
Hi to everyone. I have found the solution to our problem!!!! Try the next steps because they have worked for me and now my ICal shows my RTM tasks and reminders.
1. Open Ical and try to suscribe to RTM as usual - webcal://
2. Don't worry if the new calendar doesn't appear
3. Go to Preferences on your mac an open "mail,contacts and calendar"
4. Select to synchronize calendar and reminders in icloud. Then will ask if you want to sincronize your calendars with icaland say Yes.
5. Then the next time you open the ical app you'll see your rtm tasks in your calendar
Posted 12 years ago
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