Not loving the yellow highlighted
First posted this elsewhere as part of a suggestion for left-to-right swipe completion.
IMHO the yellow highlight is confusing.
A clicked task made yellow-highlighted should be operated on by the "Edit" button exclusively (maybe other ways, too?) since that task is selected. Also, touching a yellow-highlighted task again should toggle the yellow. Neither of these things are true.
The edit button just makes everything check-able like always and creates blue highlights, which I understand and which toggle correctly.
You can't un-highlight the yellow once you have highlighted any one task. The screen opens with no highlights yet after an initial selection, you can't un-highlight.
Net, net I see no benefit to the yellow highlighting as implemented and its state behavior is inconsistent with a selection metaphor. The blue highlights do make sense and communicate selection.
IMHO the yellow highlight is confusing.
A clicked task made yellow-highlighted should be operated on by the "Edit" button exclusively (maybe other ways, too?) since that task is selected. Also, touching a yellow-highlighted task again should toggle the yellow. Neither of these things are true.
The edit button just makes everything check-able like always and creates blue highlights, which I understand and which toggle correctly.
You can't un-highlight the yellow once you have highlighted any one task. The screen opens with no highlights yet after an initial selection, you can't un-highlight.
Net, net I see no benefit to the yellow highlighting as implemented and its state behavior is inconsistent with a selection metaphor. The blue highlights do make sense and communicate selection.
(closed account) says:
That doesn't work when I try it. I slide the details card off the stack and the task stays highlighted in yellow. Even completing a different task leaves the original task yellow-highlighted. Actually COMPLETING the yellow-highlighted tasks seems to clear the highlight (obviously) and leave nothing else yellow-highlighted.
(closed account) says:
I originally thought yellow was a visual cue that a task had a note. Then discovered after reading this that it wasn't. Look for me posting a question about how to tell if a task has a note or not without going into task details view.:)
kevin.thai says:
I have to say, so far it's been great switch for me after a long time toodledo user, but this highlight yellow does annoy me sometimes, the slide off the stack as you say is only available on iPad version, any chance of that coming to the iPhone version?
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for all of your continued feedback here.
Currently you can clear the highlight by changing views (e.g. switching from This Week to Today, switching to a different list), which then unselects any tasks.
Hope that helps somewhat! :)
Currently you can clear the highlight by changing views (e.g. switching from This Week to Today, switching to a different list), which then unselects any tasks.
Hope that helps somewhat! :)