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Smart list as default list

mgerard says:
Hi !

I'm looking for a way to display a smart list as "welcome" list on the iPhone app. I mean, we can choose a default list, but only in the static lists. By the way, it would be great if this "welcome list" could replace the "today" list as the first list shown when opening the app. By this way, we could choose our own criteria for the first list shown in the app, because the tasks "to do now and here" are not "Today tasks" for everyone...

Best regards,
Posted at 1:43pm on February 8, 2012
brendan says:
Hi Mathieu,
Unfortunately it's not currently possible to define a list as the "welcome" list as you described. The default list determines where tasks will be placed when the location is ambiguous (for example, when you create a task while looking at the "Today" view), but it does not determine which view will be displayed when you start the app.

Thanks for your feedback on this!
Posted 13 years ago
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