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Feature Request: Android widget update on sync

g.randy.maruschock says:
Experimentally and from previous posts I see that if I have a smart list displayed in the Android widget that is dependent on distance (locatedWithin:"1 miles"), that I need to have the location alert turned on in the app for the widget to update the smart list content. However in the actual app the the smart list updates automatically based on location without location alerts being turned on.

Is this how the app and widget are designed to work together?

Since I'm typically at a location for several hours at a time, it isn't practical or necessary for RTM to check my location on a basis every hour or less. Is it possible to have the widget synchronize in parallel with the app so I don't have to worry about battery drain due to excessive location checking?
Posted at 1:55pm on February 7, 2012
brendan says:
Hi g.randy.maruschock,
Would you be able to contact us via email on this? We'd love to take a look at some examples of this behavior with you.

Posted 13 years ago
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