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Repeating tasks having problems with localization

(closed account) says:
Just found out that repeating tasks seem to have problems: The localization seems to must be set to English for this to work.
Having my localization set to German garbles up entries like "Clean out the fridge *every month on the 2nd last friday" resulting in stuff like "every Monday". Entering those in German is no option either, as this casual date module seems to be implemented in the English localization only.

Can anyone validate this?
Where are the exact differences in localization between German and English? (I would like to use the English version of RTM, if that's circumventing this bug for me)
Posted at 10:30am on February 2, 2012
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi andreas.breitbach,
I've added this to our list to investigate; sorry for the inconvenience.

In the meantime, most other repeats should work in German, but please let us know if you run into any that don't (and, if it's possible for you to test, whether it works to enter the same repeat in English while using the web app in German). Thanks!
Posted 13 years ago
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