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gmail gadget vs. chrome extension

tpb.yyc says:
I had initially tried to install the RTM chrome extension yesterday, but it would not appear in my browser; ... today it has magically appeared and seems to be in fine working order ... in the meantime, I had also installed the gmail gadget and it worked properly from the get-go ... now both appear in my gmail interface (in Chrome), both appear to be working properly, so which do I delete?

I use the chrome browser both at office and at home; but have not (yet) used the chrome sign-in / sync function ... will I need also to install the chrome extension at home; if i choose to go with browser extension? (i am thinking yes but wanted to make sure).
Posted at 11:03pm on January 4, 2012
tpb.yyc says:
would also like to add that what I think is the chrome extension" task list"(appearing on right hand side of gmail interface is not branded as RTM although it appears to have the same look & feel as RTM)
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
Hi tpb.yyc,
If Chrome is not syncing your extensions, then you will need to download and install the Browser Add-on on both machines. You can download it here.

Which one you remove depends on your personal preference, but one thing to keep in mind is that the Gmail Labs Gadget will only display tasks for the upcoming week (and overdue tasks) while the Browser Add-on can display tasks further in the future.

The Browser Add-on can be removed using Chrome's Extension menu, while the Labs Gadget can be removed by using the Labs tab of your Gmail settings.

Hope that helps!
Posted 13 years ago
tpb.yyc says:
Thanks, Brendan. It looks like the browser add-on appears to be more fully featured than the gadget and appears to be working & syncing well since the initial difficulty I had encountered when I first installed it. I'll try using the browser synching for chrome.

By the way, you guys have created an excellent product. Having used it in the past, then having gone away and tried others, I'm happy to be back.
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
Thanks very much, and welcome back. :)
Posted 13 years ago
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