Different looks of calendar sidebar gadget compared to Gmail browser addon. Why?

salskasaa8s31 says:
I love to use the "Remember The Milk for Gmail"-addon in my Gmail account. As I have hunderds of tasks in RTM, and sometimes more than a dozen on one day, the design is very clear: all tasks are shown from the top of the screen in Gmail to the bottom. In addition there with a "mouse-over" on each task more details og the task can be shown. That´s cool and modern looking.
On the other hand your solution in Gmail calendar is totally different. The "Remember The Milk for Google Calendar "-gadget can just be shown a low and fixed size with just 15 tasks being shown without scrolling. That´s a bit "old fashioned" a reminds me a bit on Win 3.1.-look-and-feel.
I could imagine that this might be a limitation of the Google calendar api, but do u see a way to presentate the same design from the Gmail view to the Gmail-calendar view in the near future?
On the other hand your solution in Gmail calendar is totally different. The "Remember The Milk for Google Calendar "-gadget can just be shown a low and fixed size with just 15 tasks being shown without scrolling. That´s a bit "old fashioned" a reminds me a bit on Win 3.1.-look-and-feel.
I could imagine that this might be a limitation of the Google calendar api, but do u see a way to presentate the same design from the Gmail view to the Gmail-calendar view in the near future?

salskasaa8s31 says:
ok, thanks, hope it won´t take too long :)