Email completed tasks

javfood says:
Is it possible to email completed tasks? I have set up a checklist and once the users complete the checklist I want to be able to email the completed checklist to an external email address.

Hi javfood,
While it's not currently possible to email tasks directly from within Remember the Milk, you may be able to use the Print view to create a simple document that could be emailed.
For example, once all the tasks on the checklist have been completed, click the "completed" link to display the completed tasks, then click the Print link in the box to the right of the task list. This list of completed tasks could then be copied and pasted into an email or printed to a PDF and attached.
Hope that helps!
While it's not currently possible to email tasks directly from within Remember the Milk, you may be able to use the Print view to create a simple document that could be emailed.
For example, once all the tasks on the checklist have been completed, click the "completed" link to display the completed tasks, then click the Print link in the box to the right of the task list. This list of completed tasks could then be copied and pasted into an email or printed to a PDF and attached.
Hope that helps!

javfood says:
I wanted to be able to send the completed checklist via iPad. Would that be available with the Pro version?

While it's not currently possible to email a task or list directly from within the iPad app, either in the standard or the Pro edition, I'll make sure the development team gets this for review.
You may also want to suggest it in our Ideas forum so that other users can vote and share their thoughts as well.
Thanks for your feedback!
You may also want to suggest it in our Ideas forum so that other users can vote and share their thoughts as well.
Thanks for your feedback!