Need a help with Completed Last Month List
mickallen says:
Just started using RTM and I am trying to create a smart list for tasks completed last month, I have entered the search completedWithin:"2 months of 1st" NOT dueWithin:"1 month of 1st" not sure if that's right, I can't test it as I don't have any tasks for last month.
To view all tasks that were completed in the previous month, you can use a search similar to the first part of your example:
completedWithin:"1 month of 1st"
"1st" in this case refers to the 1st of the current month. During the month of June, for example, a Smart List with this criteria will display tasks completed in May. In May, the list will display tasks completed in April. And so on.
Hope that helps!
completedWithin:"1 month of 1st"
"1st" in this case refers to the 1st of the current month. During the month of June, for example, a Smart List with this criteria will display tasks completed in May. In May, the list will display tasks completed in April. And so on.
Hope that helps!
mickallen says:
Thanks Brendon, thats just what I am looking for
mickallen says:
Having just moved into August the completedWithin:"1 month of 1st" has not worked correctly It is including tasks that I completed today (1st August)
mickallen says:
Thanks again Brendon