Archived Lists Still Appearing on iPad

Hi -
Love RTM and the iPhone app (I've been a pro user for two years now!). Unfortunately, I'm having some problems with the iPad version: my archived lists remain visible even after quitting the application (per the forum instructions given to another user on the forum who had the same problem with the iPhone) and also after restarting the iPad entirely.
This is very frustrating because I have a great many archived lists and having them crowd my active ones makes using RTM more cumbersome.
Thanks for your help fixing this problem!
Love RTM and the iPhone app (I've been a pro user for two years now!). Unfortunately, I'm having some problems with the iPad version: my archived lists remain visible even after quitting the application (per the forum instructions given to another user on the forum who had the same problem with the iPhone) and also after restarting the iPad entirely.
This is very frustrating because I have a great many archived lists and having them crowd my active ones makes using RTM more cumbersome.
Thanks for your help fixing this problem!