Forum activity

newmilkentry says:
Just checking ... my Mac shows the last post in this forum as nine days ago. I'm sure it used to be more active than this. Has something changed recently?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Yes -- the updated Ideas forum, where you can vote on ideas for Remember The Milk. :)
The iPhone forum used to be filled with suggestions and feature requests for the iPhone app -- with all the ideas now moved to the new Ideas forum, this forum is now only for help or problems with the app. Evidently not too many people need help. :) The plan will be to move all these forums (iPhone, iPad, MilkSync, etc) into one 'Help' forum, with different categories for different products, so there'll be one place to go to for help.
The iPhone forum used to be filled with suggestions and feature requests for the iPhone app -- with all the ideas now moved to the new Ideas forum, this forum is now only for help or problems with the app. Evidently not too many people need help. :) The plan will be to move all these forums (iPhone, iPad, MilkSync, etc) into one 'Help' forum, with different categories for different products, so there'll be one place to go to for help.

newmilkentry says:
Oh I see. That sounds good. I found the new Ideas voting forum very clear and quick to use. It must be a whole lot more useful for the RTM team too.