How do you add notes in iPhone?

roidna says:
Can you add a note field in the iPhone app?

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi roidna,
Yes, you can add a note in the iPhone app:
1. In your task list, tap on the task you wish to add a note for.
2. Tap Notes in the switcher at the bottom of the task details.
3. Tap the + icon in the bottom right.
4. Enter your note then tap Done.
Hope this helps!
Yes, you can add a note in the iPhone app:
1. In your task list, tap on the task you wish to add a note for.
2. Tap Notes in the switcher at the bottom of the task details.
3. Tap the + icon in the bottom right.
4. Enter your note then tap Done.
Hope this helps!