Items in Inbox being miscounted

shawny says:
I've noticed over the past few days that the count of items in my Inbox is off. Specifically, I've noticed that when there's 1 actual item in my Inbox, the count shows 3. Just now, with 4 actual items in my Inbox, the count shows 8.
Anyone else seeing this?
I can't say for sure that there's a correlation, but I did recently upgrade to Firefox 2 beta (RC2 and RC3 last evening).
Anyone else seeing this?
I can't say for sure that there's a correlation, but I did recently upgrade to Firefox 2 beta (RC2 and RC3 last evening).

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
shawny, thanks for letting us know. Are you referring to the numbers in the 'what's new' boxes on the Overview screen, or the count of incomplete tasks in the actual Inbox list? Thanks!

shawny says:
Right, I should have clarified. I'm referring to the "What's New" box. Just now, I opened RTM and was showing 4 items under "What's New" for Inbox, when in fact there were none.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
shawny, thanks. One further clarification -- is it showing the wrong number in the 'shared tasks' or 'emailed tasks' box? Thanks!

shawny says:
It's showing in "emailed tasks.' I don't personally use the task sharing functions.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks, we'll check this out.

shawny says:
Just an update that it's now getting worse in the sense that I just opened RTM and was told that I have 7 new reminders in the Emailed Tasks box, when in fact I have none. Very strange.

shawny says:
Another update: I've tried removing all RTM cookies, clearing cahces, etc., and it's still there and (oddly) getting worse. This morning, I was showing 13 when there were actually 5.
Help. :)
Help. :)

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
shawny, we tracked down the issue and it should be fixed now the next time you login. If you continue to experience problems, please let us know :)

shawny says:
It is fixed. Thanks!