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tuvia.pollack says:
I'm an accountant, and I just put up my account and added all the things I need to make sure to do every day, every week, etc. (Pay taxes by the 15th, pay salaries by the 30th, go through bank account everythursday, etc).
I have not yet been able to understand - if I leave these tasks with no due dates, and mark them as done, they will pop up again at the expected interval? How exactly does it work?
Posted at 7:30am on April 12, 2011
brendan says:
If you create a task with no due date, and set the repeat interval, future occurrences of the task will have a due date. The due date will be based on the date that you complete the first occurrence of the task.

For example, if you create a task with no due date that repeats "every 1 month" and you complete the first occurrence on April 12, the next occurrence will be due May 12.

Hope that helps!
Posted 13 years ago
tuvia.pollack says:
Ok, I see. Thanks!
Posted 13 years ago
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