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Gmail Gadget not showing all of my tasks

(closed account) says:

I'm trying to get my RTM to integrate with Gmail and Google Calendar via the Gadget. I currently have 3 tasks on RTM, under the study list. Under settings, I've tried selecting "All Lists", "All Tasks", and "Study" and at first, nothing was displayed. I checked the "Show tasks with no due date" box, and got two of my tasks (the ones with no due date set) to display in the Gadget. However, for my third task (with a due date of March 9th), nothing I've done will bring that task up in the Gadget. Can anyone help me, tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Posted at 9:18pm on March 2, 2011
brendan says:
Currently the GMail Gadget only displays tasks for the upcoming week and, optionally, tasks with no due date.

I've added this to our list to investigate. Thanks!
Posted 14 years ago
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