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Handling Of Recurring Checklists

akrde says:
In my system i have recurring checklists like "Daily: Morning routine", "Daily: Evening routine", "Weekly: Monday routine", and so on.

At the moment i have one task for each checklist, and added the due date and repeat property to them.

The detailed checklist is a note in my Evernote database.

Is such a setup for recurring checklists ok? What are the pros and cons?

How do you handle recurring checklists in RTM?
Posted at 4:35pm on March 2, 2011
brendan says:
One solution for handling this kind of recurring list is to have a task for each item in your checklist repeating daily. You could tag these with morning, evening or weekday, and then create Smart Lists to view the checklist for either your morning or evening routine based on the tag.

Hope that helps!
Posted 14 years ago
akrde says:
If you have checklists with many many tasks, isn't your suggestion kind of overkill then?
Posted 14 years ago
brendan says:
If this solution results in checklists that are too long, you could trim it down further by using combinations of tags. For example, tag some tasks with morning and workout, while other tasks would be tagged with morning and study. Then you could create Smart Lists to view these combinations, such as:

tag:morning AND tag:workout
tag:morning AND tag:study

This will result in smaller checklists, but more lists.

Hope that helps!
Posted 13 years ago
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