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Android app fails to sync removed tags

willcritchlow says:
If I tag a todo item and then sync, it appears with the tag on my Android app.

If I remove the tag on the web interface and sync, it hasn't gone in the app. I have a saved search to only see things tagged a certain way and it is full of tasks I have untagged via the web.

Anyone else seen this / got any ideas?
Posted at 9:51am on February 22, 2011
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
The app has "device tags" that behave a little differently than tags on the website: tags remain if empty and you can add tags manually on a device (i.e. without adding tasks as on the website).

You should be able to delete these empty tags via the mobile app.

Hope this helps! And thanks for your feedback.
Posted 13 years ago
willcritchlow says:
So how do I (from the web interface) remove a tag from a todo item so that it is also removed from the mobile app interface?

Many thanks
Posted 13 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
You can remove a task's tags by editing the task via the task details box on the right.

Also, you can remove tags in the website's Settings (on the Tags tab). Empty tags (i.e. tags that don't aren't set on any tasks) will be removed automatically from the website (but not from the mobile app, as per what I mentioned above).

Hope this helps!
Posted 13 years ago
willcritchlow says:
So I think that's what I'm reporting isn't working. I have a bunch of tasks that are no longer tagged (i.e. I have removed the tag from the task by editing it in the task details box on the right of the web interface as you describe).

These tags are still tagged when I view them on my phone despite having sync'd. How do I fix this?

Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
Would it be possible to submit an Android app issue report via our support system so we can investigate this in more detail?

Just select your issue from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, click on "I'd like to report a new issue".

Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.

Posted 13 years ago
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