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repeating tasks

fmayland says:

is there an overview for repeating tasks in German?
I tried the English Examples without success.
I like to repeat a task every last Sunday of a quarter (3 months).
If i enter the English commands i get strange results
eg. Monday instead of Sunday or 4 months
Repeating task instead of 3 as defined etc.?
May be someone can help

Posted at 12:05am on February 2, 2011
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi fmayland,
Unfortunately, a repeat like that will not work (whether in English or German). Sorry for the inconvenience. I've added this to our list to investigate.

You may want to change the repeat to "every 3 months" and then set each one to the correct day when it generates.

Hope this helps!
Posted 14 years ago
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