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PayPal - issues

maknight says:
I like your service, and would like to purchase a pro account in order to use it on my android phone, however, on point of principle I will not deal with PayPal.

Having lost considerable time and money to them because of their legendarily bad customer service and their complete unwillingness to acknowledge that someone was using my account fraudulently (despite police reports and communication from my bank), and knowing of their appalling record with regards to customer service to people outside of the USA, I will not allow any of my information to be passed on to them.

Their illegal confiscation of charitably-raised funds was just the icing on the cake of my contempt for this organisation.

I realise that for tech startups, Paypal provides the ONLY service (I won't say the best), but could you consider adding Google Payments, or something similar, to allow the rest of us to use your service?
Posted at 12:42pm on January 23, 2011
maknight says:
Just a note, in case people come back with comments about how I don't need a Paypal account. The PayPal optional service, has this in its terms and conditions:

"However, PayPal will retain the information you provide us in relation to your use of PayPal Account Optional in accordance with our Privacy Policy in order to (1) enable you to use PayPal Account Optional for further one-off transactions subject to paragraph 4, (2) to enable us to monitor the use of PayPal Account Optional for risk management purposes and (3) to make it easier for you to open a PayPal account in the future."

It's this I object to. I don't trust them with my information. I did, once, and it bought me a world of trouble, so no more.
Posted 14 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi maknight,

Thanks for your feedback.

We're definitely hoping that we can support additional payment methods in the future. Unfortunately Google Checkout isn't yet available for merchants here in Australia, so we're unable to use it. :(
Posted 14 years ago
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