Android 2.2 + RTM
kmninbox says:
Can't seem to find any list for "Nearby"
I know that notifications can pop up, but since notifications aren't sticky or persistent, i am trying to go back into RTM and find the nearby list.
Also is there no way to create/edit notes from Android RTM app?
I know that notifications can pop up, but since notifications aren't sticky or persistent, i am trying to go back into RTM and find the nearby list.
Also is there no way to create/edit notes from Android RTM app?
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Nearby is available under Menu | Views; scroll the Views icons to the right to find Nearby.
To create a note, when viewing a task's details, press Menu | Add note.
Hope this helps!
Nearby is available under Menu | Views; scroll the Views icons to the right to find Nearby.
To create a note, when viewing a task's details, press Menu | Add note.
Hope this helps!
kmninbox says:
thank you it does