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Search term for items with a Due TIME

johnmazz says:
Is it possible to search for (and subsequently make a task list for) only items with both a due date and due TIME? I.E., a serach term that would return an event scheduled for "Monday at 3", and not events scheduled for just "Monday".

I schedule hard deadlines and appts with a time when one is applicable, and then use RTM to check my free times durring the day. However, I have many more non-time sensitive things scheduled each day, and these clutter my list when I'm trying to see when I'm free, so I can't easily skim.

Further, (though possibly unrelated), appointments on future days do not list times without mouse-overing).

Just another attempt to work around RTM's continued lack of a calendar view mode...
Posted at 8:12pm on September 22, 2010
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi johnmazz,
It's possible to do this for a given day, e.g. dueAfter:" today 00:00" AND dueBefore:"tomorrow 00:00" but not possible to do in general.

Regarding calendar viewing, our iCalendar service should help with that.

Hope this helps!
Posted 14 years ago
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