Skype reminders

rdcfe says:
I set up to receive reminders via Skype. I was logged into Skype on both my computer and Blackberry. I never received reminders via Skype on my computer. However, I can't get them to stop on my Blackberry. I got a reminder, but when I open the IM all it is says is "MyUsername has left the conversation." There's no actual task. And it won't stop. I close the IM and it just pings me again. I've had to sign out of Skype on my BB altogether. I even deleted the Skype reminder on my RTM account, but everytime I log into Skype on my BB, I keep getting pinged. What on earth am I doing wrong?

rdcfe says:
Uh, nevermind. I hadn't added RTM as a contact. *blush* Give me a break, it was a rough day :-).