Reminder settings aren't saving

redndahead says:
I set the time for my reminder settings and even uncheck the box to not show reminders when they are due, but as soon as I log out and log back in they reset to 10am and the checkbox is checked. Am I missing a save button somewhere? The settings to choose your IM, phone number, etc. save, but nothing in the top section.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
If you haven't done so already, would it be possible to submit a Tasks & Lists issue report via our support system?
Please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, just click on "I'd like to report a new issue" on the left.
Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.
Please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, just click on "I'd like to report a new issue" on the left.
Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.