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Set a task as "first monday after "

bertnid says:
Hi everybody!

I'm quite new to RTM, so perhaps this is a dumb question. I researched on the FAQ, and I haven't found anything similar to what I would like to do.

I'm trying to planify some events that most of them are expressed as "first / second friday" and so on (so I don't use too much specific dates like "on 25th"), but sometimes is not enough to just say "second friday", and I need to say something like "first friday after 14th". I'll try to explain this with a real escenario.

I have to do "Task A" the second thursday each month, and "Task B" the second friday each month. "Task B" must be accomplished *after" "Task A" it's done, and it seems to be that it is always going to be like that, but it's not.

For example, the second thursday of october 2010 it's 14th (Task A), and the second friday of october 2010 it's 8th (Task B), but on that date Task A it's not acomplished yet, so it should be scheduled on "first friday after 14th" which is the right date (15th). The same thing happens on January 2010 (and in general where the 1st is after thursday).

There is a possible way to do this on RTM?

Thanks a lot for your help.

I would also congratulate you all the developers of RTM. It is an excellent tool!

Posted at 3:30pm on April 23, 2010
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
It's not possible to do this currently; sorry for the inconvenience.

You may want to set the due date and/or repeat as you have described, and then to tailor any exceptional months when you encounter them.
Posted 14 years ago
bertnid says:
No problem, I can do that! =)

Thanks for your answer. Perhaps you could keep this in mind as an idea for the future.

Posted 14 years ago
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