The task cannot show the correct time

swpave says:
Every time i enter "Today @ 2pm", the system cannot show the time without 2:00 pm.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
I'm not sure that I know what you mean -- can you please let us know what you're entering, what's being displayed for the task due date/time, and what you expected to be displayed? Thanks!

swpave says:
I enter the date/time like " 7 jul at 19:00", and i suppose it should be displayed like " 07 JUL 7pm" as it used to be. But the system always displays it as "07 JUL 06".

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
swpave, can you please email us at [old address removed] with the name of a task that's affected by this (and the list that the task is in)? We can investigate this further. Thanks!

swpave says:
Already send you the email. Thanks.