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How to sync RTM with Thunderbird?

psinexus13 says:
Hi folks,
i use RTM, too and it works fine with google calendar. but how does this work with thunderbird? rtm opens a new calender ("other calendars") at google and i just treid to sync this with the XML, just then i just see the header as shown at google calenders (ToDos for xx day). At google i click on this header and get a fancy RTM popup with the task. Bot how to get this to thnderbird? any idea?
Posted at 8:58am on December 29, 2007
(closed account) says:
You need the lightning add on. There you can add the RTM iCalendar Service URL that is visible on the Info tab of your account.
Posted 17 years ago
brent.hopkins says:
There is a Thunderbird extension called Provider for Google which should also help with your issue. Also I second the advice to install the Lightning extension; it's terrific. In fact, spend some time browsing the Mozilla Add-ons, there are a lot of really good extensions for Tbird.
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes, use Lightning, and add the 2 RtM iCal URLs as new remote calendars. The integration is only one-way at this time, unfortunately: you can read tasks in TB that have been added using the RtM website or email or SMS, but TB + Lightning cannot add tasks to the list.

The Provider for Google Calendar requires Lightning to work, and it is bidirectional, but the GCal provider does nothing with regard to RtM.
Posted 16 years ago
allspiritseve says:
Is there anything being done about being ably to sync RTM and lightning? (ie bidirectional)
Posted 16 years ago
micheal.wu says:
I made a prototype for a RTM Provider for Tbird+Lightning. It doesn't have full functionality but it's passable if you use the bare minimums.

See here:
(and use at your own discretion!)
Posted 16 years ago
aaronhh says:
Posted 16 years ago
parandroid says:

Thanks for making that add-on!
My experience so far, however, is that it doesn't sync back to RTM but is only one-way. Anyone else having more success in this respect?
Posted 16 years ago
parandroid says:
Apologies! I just checked, and it did in fact update. I guess it was a bit delayed. Good work!
Posted 16 years ago
psk says:
I have a somewhat convuluted solution that works for me.

Using the Milksync for windows mobile and then Birdiesync to synchronise my iPAQ with Thunderbird. This gives me bi-directional synching of my task list through all my applications.
Posted 16 years ago
fnkps says:
Kudos to Mr. Wu for his provider, but I can't get it to work for me - probably because I'm too dumb to figure out how to allow write access to my RTM account. Glad there are many folks out there brighter than me.
Posted 16 years ago
fnkps says:
And twelve hours later, I did figure it out. The site that was most helpful to my little mind was

which is a nice howto. Just look for the new task that shows up after adding the calendar, and follow the url it provides. Works just fine.

Again, thanks Michael, great app.

Posted 16 years ago
rahulbatra1 says:
it works well for me. Only problem is that it cannot update due dates back to rtm servers.
Posted 16 years ago
rich.katz says:
have used this extension in the past then drifted away from using Tbird entirely (Gmail+RTM plugin in FF). Since Gmail offers IMAP,
want to setup on wife's laptop and my desktop using Tbird for full Gmail, gCal, RTM integration across multiple Computers.
have XP sp3,
Lightning 0.9,
Provider for Google calendar 0.5.1,
RTM Provider 0.0.11
after creating new calendar per instructions on dailygyan site listed above, fail to get new task to begin Authentication to RTM account.
have even gone so far as to create a new Tbird profile and new XP user acct (with only the add-ons listed above), but No task shows up to authenticate even after rebooting. Can import RTM tasks using iCal feeds but was hoping for bi-directional support. Anyone have suggestions on where to go from here.
Posted 16 years ago
adocorp says:
The plugin doesn't appear to sync/connect anymore to RTM since Nov/Dec believe. I had this working for a bit and it's great!

Please fix this!
Posted 16 years ago
adocorp says:
Updated version 0.0.13 released today by Mike Wu works like a charm.
Posted 16 years ago
slamp says:
I was unable to activate the API key. I got the error:
"Uh oh... something went wrong. Don't worry though; it's not your fault. The application you're using to interact with Remember The Milk made an error."
Posted 16 years ago
slamp says:
I tried to re-authenticate API yesterday... and it works !
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Is there any chance that the email could be included when I convert a task to an email? This would make the plugin even more useful.

Posted 15 years ago
urbanofreitas. says:
It would be wonderfull if you can develop an extension like Google Calendar Tab

Please see the following link:

It works great!

Posted 15 years ago
ninj says:
Any chance of seeing the great RTMProvider extension updated to work with TB 3? I need it so much :|
Posted 15 years ago
pavel.ungr says:
Try this
Posted 15 years ago
alejandro.michell says:
Any new updates or news about syncing TB3.1 with RTM and the app on the iphone?
Posted 14 years ago
harryl says:
interested in this as well
Posted 14 years ago
wanglianbing says:

the link is not exist.
Posted 13 years ago
justin.merwin says:
This link is dead. Is this extension no longer avaiable to us?
Posted 13 years ago
pavel.ungr says:
WTF? "This add-on has been disabled by an administrator. "
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:

partially working plugin for TB.

Good Luck
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I had the extension working with TB 3, just upgrade to TB 5 and does not work. I even modified the .rdf file so it would install in 5, but the extension doesn't seem like it's registering with RTM :(
Posted 13 years ago
rootkeys says:
will RTM provider for T bird will be continued ? doesn't work on V5...
Does somemeone try to tbird5 + lightening 1.02b (instead of 1.04b) ?
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
This add-on has been disable by an administrator? When it'll back?
Posted 13 years ago
pakistanray says:
The Thunderbird (preferably for the 7.0 version) add-on would be very useful for me.
Posted 13 years ago
bryn.jones says:
Aww man this was disabled!!!
Posted 12 years ago
thugue says:
Currently, we can use iCal resource and create a "calendar" in TB/Lightning.
But this creates... a calendar !
Not a list of tasks...

How can we sync RTM tasks with TB/Lightning tasks ?
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would also like to have a bidirectional sync with TB/Lightning.

Please guys!
Posted 12 years ago
tony.rush says:
This would be great for me too! It's frustrating that I can sync with my phone but not my desktop.

Posted 12 years ago
dbreton says:
+1 Integration with the latest versions of Thunderbird would be great
Posted 12 years ago
michael.lieb says:
I would like to have such a tool as well. Thanks! (Bi-directional Sync)
Posted 12 years ago
dbreton says:
+1 It would be great if this was updated
Posted 12 years ago
savas.yasar says:
+1 It would be great if this was updated
Posted 11 years ago
ceodaboz says:
Please make Bi-directional Sync add-on for Thunderbird.
Posted 11 years ago
fdroegemueller says:
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
I have kind of a workaround to add RTM in Thunderbird

Installed G-hub lite 3.0.0, add-on which enables google services in tabs on Thunderbird. My RTM is added to google calendar and gmail through gadgets.

Now, once u have enabled google tabs in thunderbird and added google calendar tab, go to any task in RTM google calendar gadget open and click for more details it will open RTM as a tab in thunderbird. Works flavelesy, bidirectional, and look and acts exactly like web app but in thunderbird.
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
OH btw and it works without lighting add-on which is buggy and slow.
Posted 11 years ago
lukedickens says:
Okay. I seem to have had some success with the StormCows add-on for Thunderbird. Install the add-on go-to Tools->Configure StormCows, then authenticate following the instructions. Once this is done, you can add events or todo lists through this window, and they will appear as calendars.

However, I tried to edit the properties of this calendar item to add offline support, and it messed it up. So I suggest you try to live without that.
Posted 10 years ago
hpadmin says:
We are still using StormCows and the bi-directional function is great. Our scheduling people like using the Lightning calendar to make appointments (vs. the RTM list interface).
However, we must stay around V45.x.x of Thunderbird.
The latest updates break StormCows in some way.
We would love for someone with the skills to take on updating StormCows as needed - doing so if beyond my skill set at this time. The code is available on GitHub from Moldybeats.
Posted 7 years ago
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