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Building Conveyor Belts (using Excel to build Task Sets for Import)

rmcmullan says:
In my job I conduct environmental reviews for our facilities. Each review consists of about 30 tasks (plan travel, create schedule, coordinate with consultants, pre-visit conference call, follow-up items, etc.) and I conduct 8 per year. These tasks follow a pretty tight timeline based on the date of the actual site visit (e.g. travel must be planned 35 days before site visit) or the pre-visit conference call (e.g. send agenda 7 days before call). And throughout the year these deadlines overlap greatly (task 27 of one site's review might be due at the same time as task 3 of another). It can quickly become a big, unmanageable mess of missed deadlines.

Enter the Excel-RTM Import combo. I create a template in Excel which lists:
The variables:
- the site visit date
- conference call date
- site name
The fixed details:
- each action item
- which date they are timed from (visit or call)
- what their time offset is (e.g. site visit -30 days)
- the time estimate for each task

I then use Excel formulae to calculate the due dates and assemble a SmartList Import string. For example:
"Plan Travel" which is based on "Site Visit" with an offset of "-35 days" and time estimate of "60 minutes" automatically generates:
"Plan travel for HQ ^11/08/10 =60 min"

Now, to create my "conveyor belt" of action items, I just fill in three variables (site name, visit date, call date) and 30 tasks are instantly generated, ready to be emailed to my RTM Import email address. The only drawback is that my all of my e-mail programs create a line return after 72 characters, so I have to keep the SmartList Import string less than 72 in length. And there is a limit to the number of items that the Import address can take at one time (50?) so I just do one set at a time.

Now, I can keep up with multiple overlapping sets of tasks and generate my tasks in about 15 minutes. I also know that I'm very consistent on the timing from review to review.

Has anyone else done this? Any suggestions or improvements?
Posted at 12:35am on September 9, 2010
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
I tried this like a year ago, but the addition of the SmartAdd syntax has improved the possibilities greatly.

See also

Tip of the week if you ask me ;-)
Posted 14 years ago
rmcmullan says:
A further tip is that you can exceed the 72 character limit using Yahoo Mail Classic in plain text mode. I've modified my sheet to add Priority, List, Project tag, and Location automatically.

The 50 item limit is on the Rmilk side so you just have to split your list up into multiple e-mails.
Posted 14 years ago
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