New Feature: Import lists via email

tacker says:
Nice. But if i set the subject to a list which does not exist yet the tasks do not appear.

tacker says:
So, a new list should be created then.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Did you check your Inbox?
If the subject is blank or doesn't contain a recognized list name, the tasks will appear in the Inbox.
If the subject is blank or doesn't contain a recognized list name, the tasks will appear in the Inbox.

rakesh says:
Would I be right in saying that tasks sent in via email into the inbox (either with 'inbox' as subject or subject left blank) will show as |x emailed tasks| or |x shared tasks| in the box on the right?
Tasks emailed directly into a specific list, do not show, unless you click on that specific list??
Would I be right in saying that tasks sent in via email into the inbox (either with 'inbox' as subject or subject left blank) will show as |x emailed tasks| or |x shared tasks| in the box on the right?
Tasks emailed directly into a specific list, do not show, unless you click on that specific list??

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Yes, the number of emailed tasks will only show tasks that have been emailed to the Inbox -- if you email a task to a list, it bypasses the Inbox altogether.

tacker says:
the tasks is sent to a non exitsing list did not appear in my inbox.
Another feature would be to add a due date to the task liek
"This is the discription of the task {1 week}"
where the stuff between { and } is the due date to use.
the tasks is sent to a non exitsing list did not appear in my inbox.
Another feature would be to add a due date to the task liek
"This is the discription of the task {1 week}"
where the stuff between { and } is the due date to use.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
tacker, would you mind letting us know the name of the task that you sent to a non-existing list (via email at [old address removed])? We can check where it ended up. I just tried this and mine appeared in the Inbox.

rakesh says:
Being able to add the due date of tasks sent via email would be great. to avoid mix-ups i've developed a format of entering tasks - whether on-site or via email.
[mm/dd]: [list]: [subject/ref/note]:[description of task]
on dec 17th, I have to attend school for a parent teacher conference.
this would transfer to RTM as:
12/17: Rakesh: School: Parent teacher conferece - kiddo1
Once emailed, when i next look at my RTM site, I would go to this task and then just change the 'no-date' on the task to '12/17 at 6pm'
If email tasks could be sent with due dates, it would make things that much more quicker and easier.
[mm/dd]: [list]: [subject/ref/note]:[description of task]
on dec 17th, I have to attend school for a parent teacher conference.
this would transfer to RTM as:
12/17: Rakesh: School: Parent teacher conferece - kiddo1
Once emailed, when i next look at my RTM site, I would go to this task and then just change the 'no-date' on the task to '12/17 at 6pm'
If email tasks could be sent with due dates, it would make things that much more quicker and easier.

tacker says:
Now they appear in my inbox. Well, don't know why they didn't before. Thanks anyway.
Now they appear in my inbox. Well, don't know why they didn't before. Thanks anyway.

steve.thomas says:
I have seen a lot of project management lists in Excel where they have the Title, Notes, due date, etc in the spreadsheet.
Would it be possible to provide some additional functionality to the import, to allow one to e-mail a list along with thier associated Due Date, Notes, and other fields?
Would it be possible to provide some additional functionality to the import, to allow one to e-mail a list along with thier associated Due Date, Notes, and other fields?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
At this stage we'll be keeping the import lists via email feature pretty simple. With each task being on one line, it would be difficult to specify additional info such as due date -- we could use special characters to separate each field, but this leads to problems if you want to use one of those special characters in the task name.
However, we do plan to provide additional import/synchronization functionality in the future that would allow you to import tasks with all their associated info.
However, we do plan to provide additional import/synchronization functionality in the future that would allow you to import tasks with all their associated info.

steve.thomas says:
Thanks, points taken, simple is good.
Opening up an API or additional import/sync features makes sense.
Opening up an API or additional import/sync features makes sense.
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