Individual Reminders for tasks

guice says:
For me the most important thing missing is being able to individualise reminders for individual tasks and groups/tags.
Some things I really need a txt reminder some only need an email.
others are
Welllllll need to do something next week.
Some things I really need a txt reminder some only need an email.
others are
Welllllll need to do something next week.

mahinirb says:
I second that idea.

(closed account) says:
This would make me very happy.

drwoland says:
This would convince me to purchase a pro membership.

ereussner says:
there are only selected to-dos that I would like to be reminded of, so I support this idea

homesights says:
This is likely the one real serious element I find lacking in RTM. I don't want a reminder for everything on my list. It would be beneficial to pick which tasks, and by what manner, I am reminded.

(closed account) says:
I'm on the bandwagon here as well. This is a big omission and in my eyes the only major thing that RTM is missing. I'd certainly love to see this soon!

nightstraveler says:

(closed account) says:
I agree with this, with some additions.
I want to have different reminders sent to different emails or mobile number.
For example, I want things tagged 'work' sent to my work email. I want things tagged for school sent to my personal email and things tagged call to be sent to my phone.
I want to have different reminders sent to different emails or mobile number.
For example, I want things tagged 'work' sent to my work email. I want things tagged for school sent to my personal email and things tagged call to be sent to my phone.

tim.earles says:
signed, glad to see my eyes weren't failing me when I went looking to set a reminder for ONE specific task

(closed account) says:
This would be great. I don't need a text at 8am to tell me to pay my CC bill, but I do need one at 7pm when I get home and I'm in front of my Mac.

david.mcdanal says:
This would be great, I would love to be able to choose how to get reminded (txt, email, etc.) and when. THanks

kkaland says:
I definitely support this. So the default settings would apply if I didn't customize the reminder, but otherwise I could type in a simple syntax like "remind me on email at 3:00 pm" or "remind me on sms in 3 hours" etc. - making use of the string-to-time functionality already in place too.
Would be awes0me
Thanks :)
Would be awes0me
Thanks :)

n5csu says:
I agree that it would be great to be able to choose notification means for each task. Some need to to the work Lotus Notes email, others to personal Gmail and the occasional message to SMS. This would be fantastic!

(closed account) says:
I agree that this would be a nice feature. How often do they update RTM?

(closed account) says:
Most tasks I don't need reminders for. However, every once in a while, I'd like to get a reminder for a particular task. It would be nice to be able to set a checkbox like "Reminder?" for a particular task and then get a reminder (by e-mail would be my preference) for that one task without having to set the entire system to send me reminders.

(closed account) says:
I agree this would be cool. I was going to also mention Google Calendar's ability to do this but noticed nah.why already did. :)

ksomom says:
Yes! please, please, please!

mddurda says:
I agree; many of my items have due dates, but not all do I want a reminder for sent to my phone. Options to have no reminder, sms reminder, or just an e-mail would be fantastic.

kegelman says:
PLEASE! Lots seem to want more control over reminder settings, specifically being able to granularly set for individual items. Also having a snooze feature like Sandy for reminders would be perfect!

guice says:
Yes I am still hankering after this one...I don't want to use google as I cannot access this at work/ it takes lot of time to load on some connetions. I don't want 2 logins for my organiser....RTM only please....Does this appear as a blanket reminder and hence is not being remembered, maybe it needs an individual reminder...;-o)

becky.holt says:
this feature would make me happy too

bjerkne says:
Is there no offical presence or crew/webmasters reading the forums? I am a new member and imidiately got annoyed that the reminders cant be more specific. For example they could have connected the reminders to the priority level, i.e. I would like to be chose that the tasks with priority one can get texts and the tasks with prio 2 i will settle with e-mails. When i check the forum Everyone seems to be annoyed by this during the last 1 or 2? years. Thats really a low grade for the crew of the site since i can not find any official answers to the problem. Why doesnt people just change go google calender or similiar?

roguecode says:
I came here just to post this, so I'm glad it's already been mentioned.
Ideally each task could have its own reminder properties (when and what method). Less ideal would be on a per-list basis, or having only a set number of reminder properties of which you could choose on a per task basis.
Ideally each task could have its own reminder properties (when and what method). Less ideal would be on a per-list basis, or having only a set number of reminder properties of which you could choose on a per task basis.

kevin.ebaugh says:
i came here just to post this too!

jeff.redmond says:
I came to the forum for the same reason, could really use individual reminders. I have only been using RTM for a couple days, but I love it. Thanks for all the hard work!

(closed account) says:
Sandy [] for the win on this. Don't get me wrong, I think overall RTM is a more robust application, but I've been tinkering with Sandy and although it hasn't won me from RTM (and I don't expect it to), I am head over heels in love with these 2 things:
1) SNOOZE! When Sandy emails you a scheduled reminder, you can just reply with "remind me in an hour" or "remind me tomorrow" and it reschedules it. Fantastic!
2) Per-task reminder options. I set it to remind me via email by default, and NOT to remind me via SMS by default (don't want to rack up txt msg charges). But if I do want a certain reminder by SMS, I can tell Sandy "remind me to get drive-through on the way home today at 5pm @sms". Slick.
I would be such a happy bunny if RTM were to take inspiration from these two features! I would never "cheat" with Sandy again. ;-)
1) SNOOZE! When Sandy emails you a scheduled reminder, you can just reply with "remind me in an hour" or "remind me tomorrow" and it reschedules it. Fantastic!
2) Per-task reminder options. I set it to remind me via email by default, and NOT to remind me via SMS by default (don't want to rack up txt msg charges). But if I do want a certain reminder by SMS, I can tell Sandy "remind me to get drive-through on the way home today at 5pm @sms". Slick.
I would be such a happy bunny if RTM were to take inspiration from these two features! I would never "cheat" with Sandy again. ;-)

jseminoff says:
Add my voice to the chorus too!

yacoutamia says:
I just started using RTM, and so far, this is the only feature I can think of that is missing. It would really be great to be able to do this because, like others have said, certain events are important enough to get a txt, but others aren't worth 1 of the only 400 texts included in my plan.
Basically-- pleasepleaseplease!
Basically-- pleasepleaseplease!

wanderaround says:

orescb says:
I join the line. Please work in this feature

snipeyhead says:
As do I. I think the only feature I really crave is the ability to specify reminder rules on a per-list and per-task level - for all the reasons already mentioned! :)

(closed account) says:
I concur with most people here. I really want to up to a pro membership but RTK is still missing some basic features that other programs (e.g. Sandy) have. Another disconcerting fact is that RTK has taken so long to add this feature.

(closed account) says:
I have to, well, pretty much repeat what everyone else has been saying. I've been using RTM for only a short while but this is the one feature I find myself wishing for every time I make a task that doesn't fit the universal reminder schedule I have set up.

(closed account) says:
This is a much needed feature of RTM. I agree with everyone else here that it is a must-have.
Please add it!
Please add it!

greg.fowler says:
I would also like this feature. It could be very similar (or identical) to the way reminders are implemented in Google Calendar.

trevorjlee says:
PLEASE ad this feature!

(closed account) says:
I've only used Remember The Milk for a few hours and I really miss being able to set individual reminders.
I hope this will be developed soon!
Let's Get It!
I hope this will be developed soon!
Let's Get It!

sweens says:
This thread has been here since December and still no response from the RTM team?!?!? what's going on with the support crew?

guice says:
Ummm please could you give us a bit feedback please....I check now and again, but nothing seems to have changed or have I missed something? What can we do to encourage/help to achieve this addition....I'm not a programmer, but willing to do what I can.

bwiderski says:
ditto everyone else... just started, love it, came here to request this specific feature (customize reminders)

janasnyder says:
re: the complaints that RTM isn't responding here...
The forum instructions say that RTM monitors the Help area; this is the Ideas area. So that's probably why they're not popping up here. They do seem to respond w/in a few days at the most, there, and have also indicated they're aware of the wish for more control in how reminders are sent. (See the thread called "Different reminders".)
The forum instructions say that RTM monitors the Help area; this is the Ideas area. So that's probably why they're not popping up here. They do seem to respond w/in a few days at the most, there, and have also indicated they're aware of the wish for more control in how reminders are sent. (See the thread called "Different reminders".)

parabola says:
+1 from me.
Also, I've been using MilkSync for BlackBerry and have been really impressed with the integration. One thing that Google's Calendar BB sync program does that RTM should employ: when I add an entry to Google Calendar and choose the "Pop-up" reminder type, the sync causes the reminder to go off on my BlackBerry. The same functionality from MilkSync, when they finally have individual reminders, would be fantastic!
Also, I've been using MilkSync for BlackBerry and have been really impressed with the integration. One thing that Google's Calendar BB sync program does that RTM should employ: when I add an entry to Google Calendar and choose the "Pop-up" reminder type, the sync causes the reminder to go off on my BlackBerry. The same functionality from MilkSync, when they finally have individual reminders, would be fantastic!

(closed account) says:
+1 from me too.

hellokit says:
Yes, I'd like to be able to set reminder rules based on priority level as well.

william.gilbert says:
I definitely agree with all of these posts, this functionality is really needed. In the meantime though I've found a sort of workaround for this, a sort of reminder check box if you will. If you set the reminder to be sent say 1 hour before the due time, then as long as you specify a due date, but no due time a reminder will not be sent, however if you do specify a specific time it will send a reminder an hour before. If you do not want reminders for something don't specify a time, if you do then specify a time. This isn't an ideal solution, but I hope it helps.

mpatten says:
yes, yes, yes - pretty please with a cherry on top!!!!!

burb says:
Just posted a similar thread, then I found this. RTM needs this function. I would like a 2 week notice for birthdays, but only a one day notice for appointments.

michaeledtompkins says:
Agreed. I came to the forums for this his reason as well.

rwinch says:
I posted about this in a separate thread but thought I should voice my support in here. Definitely the only thing I really wish RTM did says:
This should be at the top of the list. Right now this is the only feature I can think of that's not implemented already. I have to use a separate service for something that should really be built in.

kersti says:
Yes please - granular reminders would be great, some things I need the prompt, others not so much

mia.nikki says:
I definitely want this. It'd be so nice to have different options for my reminders. At the very least I would like the option to have my daily list of reminders emailed and time-specific reminders sent via text.

wmehardt says:
I was just about to post about this feature. Can we get some sort of an update if this is in planning? I'd subscribe immediately if this feature was available. I'd like to be able to be notified to make my car payment via SMS, but I don't care to get texted to followup on an email for work.

jonkyb says:
I would also like to add my name to the chorus. I would have no hesitation in upgrading to pro when this feature is implemented.

ogourment says:
At least maybe we could specify different reminder options per List, priority or tag, instead of for all tasks. For example items in the Urgent list or tagged as urgent, or with a "1" priority would justify an SMS, while the other ones would be fine as emails.
Also, I am not sure why is not used for this product. This would make much easier to count votes, than replies to a post in a forum!!!
At least maybe we could specify different reminder options per List, priority or tag, instead of for all tasks. For example items in the Urgent list or tagged as urgent, or with a "1" priority would justify an SMS, while the other ones would be fine as emails.
Also, I am not sure why is not used for this product. This would make much easier to count votes, than replies to a post in a forum!!!

guice says:
Ummm a better way of aggregating requests ....There are at least 12 different requests for Variable reminders if you put "reminders" in as a search. Gareth says:
The Gcal reminders dont work for me since the task sycning is currently not working......... so yes individual task reminders is really important to get in there..
a text msg for every single task is pretty much useless.......
a text msg for every single task is pretty much useless.......

crst says:
I agree this is an important feature. And the iCalendar feed should include an alarm field, so that a calendar app that subscribes to the feed will automatically notify me. Also include the option to be reminded with a popup window the way Google Calendar does it.

kashifbhatti says:
Per talk reminder is an absolute must!

izanagi says:

(closed account) says:

john.buginas says:
As a new iwantsandy -> rtm mail convert I agree.
I originally selected iwantsandy over this because of the variable reminders.
I don't mind a default reminder by list (work=15min, personal=60m,medical=90 etc).
best would be:
subject: Critical doctor appointment for sensitive weekly procedure
due: wednesday 430pm
repeat: weekly
remind: 90 minutes
better would allow for multiple nags
subject: Moms birthday - call and present
due: october 10 at 6pm
remind: 10 minutes, 1 day, 1 week
subject: flea medicine
due: december 1
repeat: monthly
reminder: none
Some tasks I do, like going to a play or going to a medical appointment, I need 30-90 minute warning.
Yahoo reminders can do this.
I need the email/text interface offered by RTM
As a new iwantsandy -> rtm mail convert I agree.
I originally selected iwantsandy over this because of the variable reminders.
I don't mind a default reminder by list (work=15min, personal=60m,medical=90 etc).
best would be:
subject: Critical doctor appointment for sensitive weekly procedure
due: wednesday 430pm
repeat: weekly
remind: 90 minutes
better would allow for multiple nags
subject: Moms birthday - call and present
due: october 10 at 6pm
remind: 10 minutes, 1 day, 1 week
subject: flea medicine
due: december 1
repeat: monthly
reminder: none
Some tasks I do, like going to a play or going to a medical appointment, I need 30-90 minute warning.
Yahoo reminders can do this.
I need the email/text interface offered by RTM

john.buginas says:
I just did a pre-emptive update to pro just to give a thumbs up and nudge in hopes of getting this feature.
I can see a workaround by setting another task for the short term
I can see a workaround by setting another task for the short term

alex.gates says:
Just signed up for RTM today and was looking all over for this. This would be a GREAT feature.... very very useful.

(closed account) says:
I'll give another +1 from me. This would be a spectacular new feature.

fopkins says:
This is the only feature keeping me from donating $25 annually to RTM.
I was shocked to find out it wasn't there.
(Everything else is GREAT!!!)
I was shocked to find out it wasn't there.
(Everything else is GREAT!!!)

griff.rees says:
+1. It's frustrating that RTM does respond to requests in other "ideas" threads, but as yet has no comment on this one. Even if it's a "wontfix" or a "pending feature" with no due date, a simple acknowledgment would be nice.

guice says:
Unfortunately, nothing has happened with this and it is still something is missing from my point of view a year on . I am afraid I will not be renewing my Pro subscription. Regards Gareth

(closed account) says:
+1 from me.
Came across from Sandy and still struggling without proper individual email reminders which I keep in my inbox as a more urgent "to do" list.
Came across from Sandy and still struggling without proper individual email reminders which I keep in my inbox as a more urgent "to do" list.

abbiekressner says:
i would really like to see this feature! I want to use the milk the cow dashboard widget to keep track of when bills are due and when i have paid them. I want to be able to filter my reminders so that i receive emails a week before the bill is due. however, i don't necessary want to receive emails for all of my other tasks that have due dates.

tytyzimmy says:
this feature is my one hold back to using RTM as well. as a user commented earlier, i think it would be GREAT to be able to receive a custom reminder for any single task, and then be able to respond to that reminder via email and ask to "snooze" and remind me again in so many minutes or hours or days. this feature would complete the system. Please implement this! thank you.

gmonty says:
Yes yes yes yes yes! Having the ability to set individual tasks to send reminders at a specific time would be a godsend.

tjstankus says:
+1 I'd love to set tag-based filters/rules for reminders. For example, if something is tagged 'reminder' SMS me, otherwise just email me.

tjstankus says:
One thing that could help Gmail users would be to simply include the tags in the body of the reminder email that gets sent from RTM. (Currently, tag info is not included in reminder emails.) Then, we could create email filters that look for that text and forward onto the email address given by the SMS provider, e.g.,
So, this is a request to include task tags in the body of an email such that they could be parsed reliably by Gmails filters. :)
So, this is a request to include task tags in the body of an email such that they could be parsed reliably by Gmails filters. :)

tammy.gronski says:
Yes! Please add variable reminders! Gcal type would be great!

notjim says:
I am adding my voice here.

deewox says:
Totally agree with all of you. We need a more flexible reminder system!

mattshepherd says:
I've been using RTM for 30 MINUTES and I want this feature. It was basically the first thing I started looking for.
"I have five tasks, four due today and one due three weeks from now. Better set some reminders so I keep on top of that three-week task. I'll...where... how... huh. Better check the forums to see how to enable this."
"I have five tasks, four due today and one due three weeks from now. Better set some reminders so I keep on top of that three-week task. I'll...where... how... huh. Better check the forums to see how to enable this."

(closed account) says:
yep, please add this feature

(closed account) says:
please add this feature!

scraggie says:
Came here looking for this feature... it's a must-have, as I've been using GoPingMe, which (like Sandy) allows both scheduled reminders for individual tasks and lets you choose which reminders get sent to which e-mail address/device.
I work part-time and run a business, so I need to be able to set some tasks to remind me at my work e-mail address, and some to remind me at my business e-mail address. Makes no sense to have reminders to update my business web site sent to my work e-mail, etc.
I work part-time and run a business, so I need to be able to set some tasks to remind me at my work e-mail address, and some to remind me at my business e-mail address. Makes no sense to have reminders to update my business web site sent to my work e-mail, etc.

clandestine says:
Just want to throw my hat into the ring in support of this. This is the only thing I still use Google calendar for occasionally, and it annoys me because that's not what the calendar is for.

jladomato says:
I whole-heartedly add my agreement to wanting more control over reminders.
However, my main wish in this area is that if a task has already been sent as a reminder *but has not yet been marked as completed*, RTM would automatically keep sending it with the other daily reminders until the task is marked as completed.
I tend to have a very full to-do list, and I often don't accomplish everything I would like (which is why I prioritize). But if an item keeps showing up on my "to-do list", it WILL eventually get done. But "out of sight, out of mind." If I don't see it on my to-do list, I will forget about it and it will never get done. :(
I agree with what some others posted; this additional flexibility with reminders would be well worth the $25 annual pro upgrade fee, and I would upgrade in a heartbeat.
However, my main wish in this area is that if a task has already been sent as a reminder *but has not yet been marked as completed*, RTM would automatically keep sending it with the other daily reminders until the task is marked as completed.
I tend to have a very full to-do list, and I often don't accomplish everything I would like (which is why I prioritize). But if an item keeps showing up on my "to-do list", it WILL eventually get done. But "out of sight, out of mind." If I don't see it on my to-do list, I will forget about it and it will never get done. :(
I agree with what some others posted; this additional flexibility with reminders would be well worth the $25 annual pro upgrade fee, and I would upgrade in a heartbeat.

schodge says:
Yes, please add this.

wwlinx says:
RTM still doesn't have this?! is there any response from the team about why this has not been implemented?

bodie says:
Just started using RtM seriously, and the global Reminder scheme is fairly useless. As noted above, the robust gcal reminder system is the Holy Grail here.
I bet they're working on this, as there is a huge demand. Must be a coding issue that's stalling them, eh? Would be nice to hear from RtM on this issue, whether it is actually being considered.
A workaround is to copy a task from my RtM calendar feed to my gcal ("copy to my calendar").
I bet they're working on this, as there is a huge demand. Must be a coding issue that's stalling them, eh? Would be nice to hear from RtM on this issue, whether it is actually being considered.
A workaround is to copy a task from my RtM calendar feed to my gcal ("copy to my calendar").

dave.kandz says:
Agreed - I would like to set a custom reminder setting on a per task basis, and on a per-list basis.

(closed account) says:
Yes !

eivinfl says:

hippyjim.starbrook says:
Hippy raises and hand and asks politely: can I have this too, please?
I saw somewhere an offer of donuts for Bob. I'll provide the sprinkles if this feature gets added.
I saw somewhere an offer of donuts for Bob. I'll provide the sprinkles if this feature gets added.

richard.shea says:
May I Nth this idea ?
For me at least it doesn't need to be too fancy - I'd be happy with the current 'global' reminders plus the ability to adjust the lead time on a reminder by reminder basis.
For me at least it doesn't need to be too fancy - I'd be happy with the current 'global' reminders plus the ability to adjust the lead time on a reminder by reminder basis.

faviomasulli says:
I agree totally,
individual reminders would help greatly.
You could set them up like you do now, then just add tick boxes in the edits of individual tasks, going "email" "mobile", etc...
It would also help greatly if we could adjust the reminder timeframe indivually (I might need a reminder a month in advance for a someday/maybe consideration, others just a day in advance of the actual cue day.)
individual reminders would help greatly.
You could set them up like you do now, then just add tick boxes in the edits of individual tasks, going "email" "mobile", etc...
It would also help greatly if we could adjust the reminder timeframe indivually (I might need a reminder a month in advance for a someday/maybe consideration, others just a day in advance of the actual cue day.)