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Auto Select

burton1064 says:
It'd be great if all new tasks you add weren't auto selected. Often I'll add three tasks in a row and using the keyboard shortcuts I'll assign them different priorities but since they are all selected (unless I manually click "select none" or hit "n" between each of them) they all get the priority of the last task I change.

It seems like this auto select feature was added for a purpose but I have no idea what it is, just seems to waste time for me.

Other than that, I love RTM!!
Posted at 1:37am on November 19, 2007
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
You can only change or set priorities of several tasks if you're in multi-edit mode (press m to toggle).
Posted 16 years ago
bzpilman says:
Actually, you change priority for several tasks being in multi-edit or not. Then his point is valid.
Posted 16 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
Sorry, forgot. That's done in the listbox up top and not at right. In the listbox actions affect all selected tasks.
Posted 16 years ago
roto says:
Well, I didn't know about multi-edit mode until this thread. TA!
Posted 16 years ago
burton1064 says:
Thank you for letting me know about multi-edit mode but this still doesn't solve the problem. Whether I have multi-edit on or off, when I add new tasks they are auto selected and therefor when I go to give them a priority they will all take the priority of the last one given unless I "select none" in between each task.

Anyone else having this problem?
Posted 16 years ago
bzpilman says:
Well, I got used to it. You always do.

It might help to know (in case you don't) about the hotkey for selecting none, 'n'.

I assure you I press it every 5 seconds when working heavy on my weekly review, for instance.

There's also 1, 2, 3, 4 for priorities, which I also use extensively.

Take care,
Posted 16 years ago
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