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google calendar icons

ekallevig says:
some suggestions from a user interface designer.

the little blue checks in google calendar on every day are a little distracting, so my idea is to only make blue checks on days that have unfinished tasks, make them grey (muted) if they don't have any tasks or make them green if they have completed tasks. a final option would be another color (orange?) if a day has some completed and some unfinished tasks.

this might be a good way to be able to quickly scan your calendar to see if you have unfinished tasks and visualize your progress on tasks for a certain day. just a thought!
Posted at 2:41am on September 25, 2007
dannydeberry says:
YES! This is exactly why I came into this forum. I would much rather know I have something due on a day just by quickly glancing at my calander instead of having to click each day. In terms of getting quick overview, the icon is useless.

If possible, please only have the icon show up on days when I have a task due. Thank you.

PS, I do love the GCal integration and find it very useful, despite my complaint/suggestion.
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes! I third this suggestion, it's exactly what I was coming here to say. I absolutely love the integration with GCal, but the way it's designed now, the check marks in the corners don't afford the same overview capabilities that the calendar normally has.

I really like the suggestions that the others before me have already made, like the color scheme and only showing check marks on the days where there are tasks to be completed. If possible, a combination of both would be extremely helpful.

I was also thinking it would be helpful to encode the number of tasks to be done somehow, perhaps with the transparency of the color of the check mark.
Posted 17 years ago
dsellers says:
Yes! I had this feature on but quickly removed it as it added too much noise to my calendar.
Posted 17 years ago
graham.reeds says:
The problem is the Google Calendar API.

I asked for this feature ages ago but emily gave the reasons why back then.

I keep meaning to take a look myself but never get around to it (too much going on at the minute).
Posted 17 years ago
thegibson says:
This is also the reason I came to the forum. I don't want to have to check through every one to find out if I have anything on a given day.

I can't really use the feature if I can't differentiate between when I have tasks and when I don't. Heck, this is the only reason I signed up with RTM in the first place. I'll be leaving my RTM calendar inactive until this is implemented I'm afraid.

If updated, will this appear next time I login to Google calendar or will I have to do something?

I look forward to the feature.
Posted 17 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for everyone's feedback. We'd love to be able to do this, but unfortunately due to some technical limitations with Google Calendar, this isn't possible at this time :(
Posted 17 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
If the unchanging icon is a turn off, then one can try the other method, too:

At some point, RTM might change the need to make your list public, and choose to hide it behind an obscure URL so that Gcal can grab it. If we're lucky.
Posted 17 years ago
mrt181 says:
thanks ranbarton, your hint is great
Posted 16 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Happy to help.
Posted 16 years ago
wastrel says:
Is it feasible to prefix the hover tool-tip/message text with the number of tasks for that day, e.g., '2 tasks for Monday (Apr 21)'?
Posted 16 years ago
ben.fischer says:
I just tried this and it's not working. I can import the ical url into an offline app, but not google calendar. bummer
Posted 16 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Ben.fischer - this works for me. I suggest double checking which URL you're using - Gcal is picky.
Posted 16 years ago
nickle says:
The Google calendar integration is less than ideal.

1. You should only get the tick or the icon should be different if there is nothing on that day.

2. Why not bite the bullet and implement your own calendar functionality? If you do, I promise to go pro.

Can we have a different way of publishing calendars?

For example, I have a few lists for birthdays, for contract renewal dates, for expiration of guarantees. It would be great to have these appear on a calendar, any!, as proper entries.
Posted 16 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
As for #1, as Emily has said repeatedly, including in this thread: Thanks for everyone's feedback. We'd love to be able to do this, but unfortunately due to some technical limitations with Google Calendar, this isn't possible at this time :( Posted at 5:17pm on October 26, 2007

As for #2, I think we've all seen RTM's small size limits what they code on their own. Why would they re-invent the calendar when it's been done to death elsewhere. There's no payoff in that. Exporting useful feeds that can be added to Gcal, 30boxes, &c. is the right cost/benefit choice for Emily/Omar/Bob/et al. right now.
Posted 16 years ago
jvpgomes says:
it would also be nice if not all the days in the small calendar in the left side appear in bold...
As it is now, it seems that I have events all days.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I will repeat, solely for the hope that a change is made, what many others have stated in this topic. The Remember The Milk Google Calendar service is a wonderful feature for users that frequently use Google Calendar, or users that enjoy GCal's collaborative features (as in viewing multiple calendars at once, including public calendars containing useful information).

However, the only flaw that I've recognized (apart from the Javascript issue that I was having with both the Gmail add-on and the GCal service (I've already discovered the solution to that problem)) is the confusion caused by the blue checkmark next to every day.

I would agree with the suggestions of other users that have contributed to this thread -- that a checkmark be placed ONLY next to days that contain scheduled tasks.
Posted 16 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
I agree with the sentiment behind this thread; it's the reason I stopped using this feature (see for a great alternative). But...

Emily has explained, repeatedly, on several different threads why the checkmark appears on every day, and it seems to be a limitation in how Google has made their API available. (That may be the wrong terminology, excuse my lack of programming knowledge.)

So now that we have several threads nailing down the fact that the current implementation is not ideal and the reason for the limitation, why do we need to keep beating this dead horse? If Google changes something, then by all means bring that change up here and start pleading for an update at that point, but really... the pace of iterations on the RTM web site makes it pretty clear how limited the time and energy the RTM team has to dedicate to new features, so if we're going to bug them about things to change, let's bug them about things they actually control.

Insert your favorite pet feature request here, e.g., variable reminders configured by tag or list, customizable per-list multi-variate sorting, and 2-way iCal to do syncing, for example.
Posted 16 years ago
jonasc says:
Well I can't help "beating this dead horse". Why can't something be done with the icons?

Just make it be two different icons, one when there's no tasks and one when tasks exists.
It surely can be done since googles weather calendar does it.

Posted 16 years ago
martiin says:
i think the calendar integration is really great and the inline editing functions are amazing.
the only problem by my side is the icon that always appears the same color.
if its a restriction by googles api why not build a bridge by a small userscript or something like this.
i know its not easily for the most users but if somebody wants it he should spend some time.
if somebody writes a userscript i could write an instruction for the one who dont know how to do it.
(sorry for my english)
Posted 16 years ago
srdan.kovacevic says:
I came here for the exact same reason. This is rather annoying.

I've read this thread and am aware there is an issue. But I don't get it: I've enabled the Weather calendar in GCal, and it has different icon for each day.... If they could do it, why can't RTM?

If there is really no way to do it, is it possible to make the check icon appear only on the dates you have tasks on? If yes, one workaround would be to create two RTM calendars: one for "blank" days and one for "task" days... That way you can assign each a different color...
Posted 15 years ago
syockit says:
Yes, talk about weather calendar... they show up only on three days starting from the day after the current day. Probably there have been changes in the API? Can the Developers look into it again and see if this is finally feasible?
Posted 15 years ago
moliver816 says:
I know you've said you can't fix it and I'm sure that's still true, but add me to the list of people who are turning this feature off until the many checkmarks are fixed. I'm new to RTM, everything else looks great!
Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
@mollver816 Please see my 10/26/07 suggestion above.
Posted 15 years ago
This idea is considered similar to "Instead of blue checkmarks on every day, show different color icons depending on whether tasks are due", and all votes have been transferred to that idea.