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How to Twitter and Remember the Milk via Launchy

don.whitford says:
I thought some users might enjoy this :)

The following was cobbled together from other people's work. Please refer to these links for more info:

Here's how to Twitter via Launchy:

1. Download cURL:

Once downloaded, place curl.exe in your WINDOWS folder.

2. Open your favorite text editor and copy the following:

@echo off
cd c:\
cmd /c curl --basic --user username:password --data status="%*"
Echo Exiting...

In place of username:password, place your actual Twitter username and password with a colon to separate them. Save this file as tw.bat (feel free to use whatever name you'd like...just keep in mind you'll be typing this into Launchy, so you might want to keep it short) and place it in a folder that you wouldn't mind having Launchy index.

3. Index the file. Open Launchy, right-click and go to Directories. Locate the folder of your new batch file and limit file type to .bat, if you'd like. Right-click on Launchy again and select Rebuild Index.

4. Run Launchy, type "tw [TAB] whatever you want to twitter" and that should do it.

And, as an extension of this, here's how to Remember the Milk via Launchy:

1. Follow the instructions to link RTM to Twitter:

2. Open your favorite text editor and copy the following:

@echo off
cd c:\
cmd /c curl --basic --user username:password --data status="d rtm %*"
Echo Exiting...

Note that it's the same basic text as before...only this time "d rtm" is added, to send a direct message to RTM. Same as before, in place of username:password, place your actual Twitter username and password with a colon to separate them. Save this file as rtm.bat and place it in a folder that you wouldn't mind having Launchy index.

3. Repeat step 3 above.

4. Run Launchy, type "rtm [TAB] whatever you want to remember" and the milk will be remembered.

Keep in mind that there are a few obvious problems with the above method; for instance, entries will be in all lowercase (which is a Launchy-related problem, I think), the window that performs the commands is not hidden, and there's the security issue of having your Twitter password in an unencrypted batch file. But it's a start. Feel free to improve the process!

Also, keep in mind that the same method will work for gcal, mymm (, timer, or any other app that supports Twitter.

Posted at 3:37pm on July 26, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Don, this is really neat -- I'm going to have to try this out. Thanks for writing this up!
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
*sigh* if only I could get Twitter to work now..
Posted 17 years ago
7footmoustache says:
Looks like Launchy is a copy of QuickSilver for the mac.
Posted 17 years ago
paustin says:
Frankly, it would be much much nicer if you could just direct the command to RTM, rather than the convoluted Twitter method. Also, our company blocks Twitter. RTM is fine however.
Posted 17 years ago
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