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RTM Client and Blackberry Storm

anotherbeachbum says:
Will this work on the Blackberry Storm? If you need a tester let me know.
Posted at 11:02pm on October 9, 2008
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hey anotherbeachbum,

Are you referring to MilkSync or another feature's BlackBerry Storm compatibility?

Posted 16 years ago
anotherbeachbum says:
Yes. I am referring to RTM. I intend to buy a Blackberry Storm soon and would like to know if you have a RTM's sync client that will work on this phone. In the event you need testers let me know as I am willing to work with you.
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Theoretically MilkSync should work on the BlackBerry Storm, but I don't have a device to confirm that unfortunately -- we can do some testing on an emulator, but we may not be able to confirm that it's fully supported until the device is actually available, sorry.
Posted 16 years ago
anotherbeachbum says:
It is my understanding the Verizon will have Storm available shortly after November 1. As I mentioned I intend to buy it and will install the RTM sync client. I will let you know if it works and advise any issue that arrise. I am agreeable to test it with you. Just let me know.
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Sure, please do let us know if you experience any issues with MilkSync on the BlackBerry Storm.

The best way to report any issues is to submit a MilkSync for BlackBerry issue report so we can check things out.

Posted 16 years ago
jamiepullman says:
I've just got my Storm in the UK, and milksync says that my software is too old. Hmm. It says I need 4.2 or later.
Posted 16 years ago
simondedeney says:
Yup, I've got the same. I'm hoping this will be relatively easy and quick for RTM to fix?
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hmm, we're checking this out -- sounds like we might not be detecting the browser correctly.
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
This should now be fixed -- would it be possible to try the download again?

Posted 16 years ago
simondedeney says:
Um, yes, thank you it's downloaded perfectly. Unfortunately now I can't enter my password when I open MilkSync. I can input my username, but then it won't let me click/press on the password field.

So closer, but still not in the stadium.
Posted 16 years ago
simondedeney says:
Sorted it. A bit strange, but if I wiped my finger over the password box
Posted 16 years ago
aslack says:
I just got the storm...same thing...can't put my password in milksync....working on this?
Posted 16 years ago
aslack says:
Nevermind, as with simon, you just have to slide your finger real slow down the screen over the password box. If you miss it, you might have to do a battery gets hung up on the "save" button...
Posted 16 years ago
roger.cowan says:
I cant get that to work, mine just thinks i am trying to hit the save button. I cant even close the app because it comes back with the password error message.

There are a number of apps which have this problem, It looks like it is not recognising the larger screen properly & lack of trackball. They also won't go into landscape mode.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I have the same issue as roger.cowan, can't enter password, can't closed the app and can't display in landscape.
Posted 16 years ago
raleighretalk says:
Hi RTM - Getting ready to go buy a Storm this am. Is the compatibility issue resolved?

Also, has anyone tried to view the RTM website on the Storm browser?
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We're investigating the issue with entering the password and seeing if RIM has an answer on this; the Storm should be supporting software that works on the earlier OS, but it sounds like there's some differences that need to be worked around. I apologise for any inconvenience in the meantime.

If anyone notices any further quirks, we'd greatly appreciate it if you can submit a MilkSync for BlackBerry issue report so that we can keep track of issues that arise.

Posted 16 years ago
roger.cowan says:
Do you need a report about this issue or do you already have it?

james.doucette - keep on trying to run your finger over it, I was playing for 15 mins last night & finaly got it to work!
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Please feel free to submit a report for anything mentioned in this topic as well; this way we'll know which users are affected, and we may ask folks to test a new version of MilkSync with fixes before we make it generally available.

Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
I wanted to pass on a tip from RTM user, Mike, who found a way to solve the keyboard and field selection issues on his BlackBerry Storm -- disable compatibility mode for MilkSync.

Go to Options | Applications, then highlight (not click) on MilkSync. Hit the BB menu button and click "Disable Compatibility Mode".

Hope this helps -- we're still looking into a workaround so that it won't be necessary to change this setting. (Thanks again for the tip, Mike!)
Posted 16 years ago
roger.gale says:
yes, it works with the gentle finger and the disable compatibility mode setting. Thanks everyone
Posted 16 years ago
dburdi says:
As mentioned, a gentle finger scroll (no click) and disabling the compatibility mode allows access. There is however no ability to use the full keyboard in landscape mode which would be greatly appreciated. Keep us posted RTM.
Posted 16 years ago
pod6isblowedup says:
Same issues as everyone else. I would love to have this feature on my phone - will go pro if these bugs are ironed out. Thanks!
Posted 16 years ago
pbeens says:
Very frustrating to log in. Finally got it to work.

Now using RTM in Gmail, on my Touch, and on my Storm. Very versatile....nice!
Posted 16 years ago
mike.chung says:
Hi all, does anyone know how RTM syncs tags and locations with the BB Storm? I'm trying to implement the GTD method found here:

However, when i enter in a tag, it shows up as "null" on my BB. Is there a way around this, or will tags simply not show up on BlackBerries?

Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi Mike,

MilkSync doesn't support syncing properties that aren't supported by the BlackBerry Tasks app (such as tags and location), sorry.

Full details are available on the MilkSync for BlackBerry page (under "Synchronizing Tasks").

Hope this helps!
Posted 16 years ago
mike.chung says:
Thanks emily. Don't suppose you guys are working on a BB RTM app, are you?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
This would be so great. A full blown BB App.
The BlackBerry's default Task man. really needs help.
Posted 15 years ago
jamie.foster says:
Same issue re. entering password. "Disable Compatibility Mode" didn't work for me. Any other suggestions?
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
After I download RTM, I can't sort by category. The only options are Subject, Priority, Due Date, and Status. Please help!
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
If anyone continues to experience issues with MilkSync on the Storm, would it be possible to submit a MilkSync for BlackBerry issue report via our support system?

Please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, just click on "I'd like to report a new issue" on the left.

Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.

Thanks! :)
Posted 15 years ago
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