Posting in the Help forum

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We'd like to help you get answers to your questions about Remember The Milk as quickly as possible. :)
Before posting a question, please try searching (using the box above) as your question may have been answered already. You can also check the FAQ to see if your question is listed there.
If you'd like to suggest a new feature for RTM, please visit the Ideas forum.
Please remember that this forum is for help using Remember The Milk and its features; posts that are off-topic may be moved to another forum (or removed altogether). It should also go without saying: please ensure that you're polite and respectful in your interactions on this forum.
Got a problem?
If you're experiencing an issue with RTM, such as:
- Something suddenly stopped working
- Something isn't working as described on the site
- You received an error message
The best way to tell us is to submit a report (please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, try the troubleshooting steps if any are shown, and then submit your report).
You're still welcome to post your issue in this forum (as other RTM users may be able to help you find a solution), but we may request that you also submit a report to ensure that we have all the information that we need to investigate your issue.
It can be difficult for us to try to diagnose issues based on forum posts such as, "Feature X suddenly stopped working". Depending on the issue, we need different pieces of information to enable us to investigate. This information might be anything from your browser version to operating system to BlackBerry device model to Twitter username. The report form will request the appropriate information from you so that we'll immediately have the information we need to investigate.
Priority support for Pro users
I just wanted to note that priority support for Pro users is only available when contacting us via our support system.
If you're a Pro user experiencing an issue, you should submit a report to receive priority support (we're unable to provide priority support via these forums, sorry).
Thanks! :)
Before posting a question, please try searching (using the box above) as your question may have been answered already. You can also check the FAQ to see if your question is listed there.
If you'd like to suggest a new feature for RTM, please visit the Ideas forum.
Please remember that this forum is for help using Remember The Milk and its features; posts that are off-topic may be moved to another forum (or removed altogether). It should also go without saying: please ensure that you're polite and respectful in your interactions on this forum.
Got a problem?
If you're experiencing an issue with RTM, such as:
- Something suddenly stopped working
- Something isn't working as described on the site
- You received an error message
The best way to tell us is to submit a report (please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, try the troubleshooting steps if any are shown, and then submit your report).
You're still welcome to post your issue in this forum (as other RTM users may be able to help you find a solution), but we may request that you also submit a report to ensure that we have all the information that we need to investigate your issue.
It can be difficult for us to try to diagnose issues based on forum posts such as, "Feature X suddenly stopped working". Depending on the issue, we need different pieces of information to enable us to investigate. This information might be anything from your browser version to operating system to BlackBerry device model to Twitter username. The report form will request the appropriate information from you so that we'll immediately have the information we need to investigate.
Priority support for Pro users
I just wanted to note that priority support for Pro users is only available when contacting us via our support system.
If you're a Pro user experiencing an issue, you should submit a report to receive priority support (we're unable to provide priority support via these forums, sorry).
Thanks! :)