Link to Smartlist

lhomme says:
Hi, I'm trying to create a webpage with links to all my smartlists for easy reference. Is that possible to link to specific smartlists? The URL seems to be regardless. Thanks.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
lhomme, while only published lists have permalinks in the interface, it is possible to link directly to unpublished lists and Smart Lists too (but you'd need to construct the URL yourself).
The format for URLs is:
You can find the list ID by looking at the print, iCalendar, or Atom feed links (they all follow the /username/listid/ pattern too).
This URL will take you straight to that list (as long as you're logged in).
Hope this helps!
The format for URLs is:
You can find the list ID by looking at the print, iCalendar, or Atom feed links (they all follow the /username/listid/ pattern too).
This URL will take you straight to that list (as long as you're logged in).
Hope this helps!

lhomme says:
It works! Thanks.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
No problem :)

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
erik, thanks for letting us know. We've checked this out and it turned out to be a bug on our end -- sorry! We've fixed this up so it should work correctly now. If you experience any further problems, please let us know. Thanks!

The issue of changing my entry point to the site reminds me of two threads that are now dormant, that both revolve around the issue of RTM's forgetting my login credentials despite clicking remember me.
This has been an ongoing issue for me, and I just ran into it again - using both the base URL and the targeted one.
I use FF and Camino and Safari on my Mac, and FF and IE at work (PC, alas), and I've never seen any rhyme or reason in RTM's behavior.
This has been an ongoing issue for me, and I just ran into it again - using both the base URL and the targeted one.
I use FF and Camino and Safari on my Mac, and FF and IE at work (PC, alas), and I've never seen any rhyme or reason in RTM's behavior.